- Presented on Reading for the 21st Century at the Reading Association of Swaziland Conference, at Esibayeni Lodge, Swaziland, 22-23 April, 2014
- Presented public lecture on Transforming higher education through blended learning in Botswana, at the SADC Centre for Distance Education
- Presented on quality provision of a Psycho-social Support Certificate Programme through strategic alliance between University of KwaZulu-Natal and University of Swaziland (National Association of Distance Education and Open Learning in South Africa, (NADEOSA) Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, 29 August, 2011)
- Presented on the potential for open schooling in Swaziland during National First Biennial Conference on Curriculum: Free Education Realities and Curriculum Implications (Esibayeni Lodge, Swaziland (5-7 October, 2010)
- Coordinated the Swaziland multimedia workshop sponsored by the Commonwealth of Learning, 23-27 August, 2010 at the Institute of Distance Education, University of Swaziland, see full Report.
- Responsible for setting up the Working Group on web-supported learning for distance learners, to enhance the performance of students who study with Institute of Distance Education, in the University of Swaziland. See my Curriculum Vitae with more details about my Academic Qualifications and Professional Profile.

View also my video on the MIDT programme.